Jurix 2010: Information for Participants

Corporate logo of the University of Liverpool ...
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With the JURIX conference fast approaching next week, the organisers would like to provide some further details concerning organisation.

The two associated workshops for the conference are being held on Wednesday 15th December. Registration will open at 8.30am in the foyer of the Department of Computer Science in the Ashton Building, which is the location for the conference. The Online Dispute Resolution workshop runs all day, and the Case Modelling workshop will be held in the afternoon only.

The main conference commences on Thursday morning, with registration open from 9.00am.

On the conference website you will find two maps, one of the university campus, and one of the city centre of Liverpool (see: http://pcwww.liv.ac.uk/~confcsc/Conference_venue.html).  These maps have indicated on them the main buildings and entrances for the conference venues, and also the locations of social events and some places of interest in the city centre.

A welcome reception is being held on the evening of Wednesday 15th December at 18.00.  This will take place in the Victoria Gallery and Museum, which is a red brick building with clock tower located next to the Ashton Building, as indicated on the conference map.  Entrance to the welcome reception is included in the main conference registration fee.

There are still places remaining for the conference dinner on the evening of Thursday 16th December.  Please note that tickets for the conference dinner are purchased as separate items on the registration site.  Please check the confirmation emails you received subsequent to payment to confirm purchase of conference dinner tickets.  If you haven’t purchased a dinner ticket but would like to do so, please visit the online store at: https://payments.liv.ac.uk/browse/product.asp?catid=88&modid=1&compid=1

Internet access will be available during the conference.  Details of this will be included in the registration packs.

We look forward to welcoming you in Liverpool next week.

Katie Atkinson.

(JURIX 2010 Local Organisation Chair)

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